50 max, Ages 14+, English/Spanish
The climate crisis can feel abstract for many of us because of the overwhelming scale of this multifaceted threat. Calculating our carbon footprint is a valuable tool that helps bring the issues related to the climate crisis down to an individual scale that is easier to relate to. In this workshop, we discuss and guide community members in understanding what a carbon footprint is and how it can be used to understand the way our individual choices affect our climate and how those choices connect to larger systemic aspects of the climate crisis.
Community members will calculate their carbon footprint with a fun and easy app. Using the results, we will play a game of Carbon Footprint Bingo. The game will highlight sustainable actions, challenging players to reduce their carbon footprint by making individual lifestyle changes and taking larger collective actions to create system change.
This workshop will help community members on their climate journey toward sustainable action, no matter what their current understanding and involvement is in the climate movement. Coaching and guidance are part of the game, providing players with a realistic roadmap for taking actions in their daily lives and communities.
Instructor Bio:
Climate Jam Project is a practice centered around open engagement of people’s perceptions, attitudes and understanding of the climate crisis. Grounded in the belief that knowledge is the key to climate action, Climate Jam Project uses engaging multi-media to impart information on the issues related to the climate crisis in an accessible and holistic way, while providing tools to help shift perspectives to envision and take action toward a more sustainable and equitable future.
Climate Jam Project was started by two friends Kelly Majewski and Christina Johnson. Using their collective backgrounds in landscape architecture, art, communication and community engagement, they developed multiple platforms of engagement that have fostered a network of individuals and organizations working towards positive climate action.