
The history of MADWORKSHOP has direct ties to David and Mary Martin’s lifelong interests in art, architecture, and design, and their passion for innovation.

The foundation’s beginnings date back to 2005 when David Martin was approached to teach a furniture design studio at the USC School of Architecture. The hands-on fabrication class resonated with students and connected with a greater trend in the study of design. Today, the class remains highly popular with students, led by Scott Mitchell, a MADWORKSHOP Advisory Board member.

With the furniture design course now firmly established at USC, the Martins turned their attention to challenging students to think even bigger. In 2013, they sponsored a unique course at the school, tasking students to design a site-specific pedestrian bridge. The design brief described a structure that would span a 75-foot wide arroyo, sit below the existing tree line, take advantage of open spaces and views, and blend in with the surrounding landscape. This course was also led by Scott Mitchell, who shared his expertise in robotics technology with students to arrive at a compelling design solution. The completed bridge is sinuous and elegant. It offers visitors a unique experience through the intersection of innovative design, engineering, and fabrication processes.

The success of these collaborations with USC inspired the Martins to found MADWORKSHOP in 2015, to inspire craftsmanship, technology, and innovation in the next generation of designers.