Twist and Shout

The Twist and Shout chair and table set derive from an initial cube. We turn the cube and it twists us.

Nahal Mohtashemi
2017 Fellow
Project Type:

The Twist and Shout chair and table set derive from an initial cube. We turn the cube and it twists us. At first glance, the nickel coated steel frames read as simple square cubes along their top, bottom, and sides. The cubes begin to twist and turn as one moves around the frames, creating an optical illusion of completion and deletion, addition and subtraction. Confounding the eye, these dynamic frames stay in a state of constant motion at once defying and acknowledging their bounding box. The exuberant forms imply breaking free while respecting their base structure. What looks straight from one angle melts into an oblique from the next. The leather upholstered chair and table frames remain stable while their perspectives distort and defy the viewer. The welcomingly familiar leather plays off the metallic futuristic framing, striking a satisfying harmony between past and future.