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With examples almost everywhere, the ubiquity of repurposed architectural elements: ancient columns being used in Renaissance palazzos; statuary from conquered places installed in monuments and temples; and fragments of older buildings, found during construction of newer ones atop them, as decorative elements. I learned the term for these: Spolia....

Rome Mobility Study
“More happens in one hour at a piazza in Rome than in one month at any intersection in Los Angeles.”...
Arroyo Bridge Carbon Model and Section Exhibit in Venice, Italy
A contextual scale model of a pedestrian bridge exhibited alongside Arroyo Bridge Section...

American Academy in Rome Affiliated Fellowships
MADWORKSHOP Sponsors Affiliated Fellowships at the American Academy in Rome...

Arroyo Bridge Section Exhibit in Venice, Italy
A sculpture representing a full-scale portion of a pedestrian bridge...

SCI-Arc + Ball-Nogues + Huntington Gardens
MADWORKSHOP has been working on a two-semester collaborative studio project with SCI-Arc, Ball Nogues, and the Huntington Gardens....
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Témenos Featured in Future Architecture
Source Témenos – from the latin ‘portion of sky’, ‘sacred enclosure’ – is a space...

Furniture Design Class Featured in Interior Design
Next Generation Shows Skills at USC’s Furniture Design Class Source In 2005, renowned architect David...